Monday, April 27, 2009


Do you sqeeze from the top, middle or end of a tube of toothpaste? I sqeeze from the middle! And does it bug you when people don%26#039;t do it the way you do??

I squeeze from the middle too, but my husband is a bottom squeezer and doesn%26#039;t like the way I do it. I know another couple that buys two tubes just so they can each sqeeze them the way they want . .. LOL
Reply:I do it usually from the middle or front. And no, why should it bug me that other people do it differently?
Reply:squeeze from the Bottom

not anymore
Reply:I personally squeeze from the top, and I don%26#039;t see why it would or how it would get on my nerves...Everyones different.

Baby Teeth

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