Monday, April 27, 2009


I heard that toothpaste works on zits. I kinda have sensitve skin. Wat about toothpaste and alhcol? Will it make my zits red?

Toothpaste will definitely dry out a pimple. However, you need to apply toothpaste that comes in a plain, white paste, not fruity or zingy flavors. Also, Oxy makes an acne treatment called %26quot;On the Spot,%26quot; that comes in a black bottle that works even better. Alcohol is drying to your skin, and would not be effective in the treatment of acne.
Reply:Works great!
Reply:if you have sensitive skin, then most likely yes.
Reply:i use toothpaste too...
Reply:im not sure, does it? that would be awesome!!
Reply:Toothpaste does work. What it does is dry out your skin like any other zit cream. I don%26#039;t know about alcohol. But if you%26#039;re worried about red zits, put a couple drops of those eyedrops that make the redness in your eyes go away on a cottonball. put it in the freezer for like 5 minutes. Take it out and hold it on your zit for another five minutes. the coldness will make the swelling go down, and the eyedrops make the redness go away!!
Reply:Toothpaste is great for your face ... Just put it on before going to sleep and wash it off when you wake the next morning ...
Reply:All I use is toothpaste and alcohol on my face. I don%26#039;t have sensitive skin, though.

I put the toothpaste on the pimples overnight, and by morning they are less inflamed and smaller. I use alcohol on a cotton ball to clean my face every morning. It gets rid of dirt and oil build-up and leaves my skin smooth. Since I%26#039;ve started using it, my pimples have gone away.

I use Tom%26#039;s of Maine whitening peppermint toothpaste. It%26#039;s a white paste. :)

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