Friday, May 21, 2010

Why does toothpaste work for blackheads?

I asked earlier but maybe I will get a better response in this category. I read a while ago to use toothpaste for blackheads, it seems to be working, better than anything else I have tried. Can anyone tell me why this works for black heads? One guy said because of the abrasives, but toothpaste is not as abrasive as blackhead cleaners.

Why does toothpaste work for blackheads?
There is a drying agent in there and also the mint. The best is plain old Colgate or Mint Julip mask by Queen Heleene at any major drug store!


Reply:i dunno if it works but i wouldnt try it
Reply:??? idn
Reply:no. i dont think so?!?!?!!?
Reply:I think it might be because it dries out the it helps to clear

up the area
Reply:It works cause of the chemicals in the toothpaste.
Reply:Toothpaste dries out the skin and actually works on zits similar to alchohol, but in a concentrated formula, and it does not evaporate off your skin. I%26#039;m not sure of the science behind it though or the chemical reason, if that%26#039;s what you%26#039;re asking.
Reply:it might help with black heads but I%26#039;m sure it can%26#039;t be good for the rest of the skin.
Reply:I suppose your answer has some truth to it !?! And as`.far as this term or word %26lt;abrasive%26gt;... I can remember a time that I was told to use toothpaste when I was younger at a time when I had the chicken pox !?! that was some Y E A R S ago !! But I do think I recall it working !?! I heard that samething or something like it as`far as mosquito bites!?! uh%26#039;mm %26quot;TRY IT%26#039;` you%26#039;ll like it !?! lol %26#039;`R`%26#039;r.r`r%26#039;,.
Reply:Toothpaste dries them out as it dries out.
Reply:Isn%26#039;t this a little racist????

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