My daughters 2 bottom teeth have appeared and I have read I need to start brushing them. Do I use baby toothpaste or water? I have read conflicting stories and some say to hold off on toothpaste until your baby is old enough to spit it out... what did you use?
Baby toothpaste or water?
Use baby toothpaste. No need to hold off until they can spit it out as it doesn%26#039;t contain anything that can harm them, hence it being specially made for them.
♥ Kimmiii
Reply:Just water until there old enough to understand to spit it out.
Reply:i would recommend baby toothpaste, ask @ boots baby!
good luck.
Reply:When they have all there milk teeth then use baby toothpaste.. so that they have healthy teeth until they grow up. With the first two or so just use water. or baby toothpaste.
Reply:They sell a baby toothpaste that%26#039;s safe, even if they do swallow it, and it comes with a little gum brush you put on your finger to brush their little tooth buds. I think gerber makes it.
Reply:Definately baby toothpaste form any shop/supermarket, colgate do their own %26quot;stages%26quot; toothpaste. I think it will probably say 6 months + but its really from when the teeth start coming through. Its also a good idea to let babies play with an age appropriate toothbrush to get used to how it feels in their mouth.
Teeth need protecting from the start.
Reply:I use Orajel Toddler Training Toothpaste. This is fluoride free and safe to swallow.
Reply:I use baby toothpaste. But water would be fine too. As long as you brush them.
Reply:Do not use toothpaste!
children under 3 should not swallow flouride. You can use just plain water with a washcloth and wipe the teeth or you can get special toothpaste for infants that is flouride free (make sure you read the label).
Reply:Baby toothpaste is supposed to make brushing teeth more %26quot;fun%26quot; for baby. It doesn%26#039;t really help clean the teeth at all, it just tastes %26quot;good%26quot;.
Honestly after reading what%26#039;s in it you probably won%26#039;t want to give it to a baby.
Reply:you should start with just the brush and water until they get used to it, toothpastes are rather minty and its too much
Reply:baby toothpaste but only let the brush touch the paste as its too strong to put a lot on and they cant spit it out, best time to give it to them is to play with during nappy change but watch when the top teeth come through they tend to bit it till the bristles come off.
Reply:i wouldnt use toothpaste....just stick with water until she understands to spit it out
Reply:Gentle brushing, twice daily, of the newly emerged teeth is the most important action. Water is better at this early stage, moving to baby toothpaste when your daughter is able to prevent excessive swallowing of such. Plenty of bite-able treats, such as carrot sticks, should encourage strengthening of teeth and facilitate the cutting process. Good luck...
Reply:The stores sell baby toothpaste I would use that.
Reply:I would just use water and wait on using toothpaste. that%26#039;s what i am doing with my 6 1/2 month old.
i hope this helps! Good Luck!
Reply:You can use a tiny bit of toothpaste and it doesn%26#039;t matter if they dont spit it out, that%26#039;s what my dentist told me for my son.
Reply:i used a tiny amount of baby toothpaste for mine. Once they had quite a few teeth it was time to brush them after the bedtime bottle, and then phase the bottle out by ~16mo.
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