Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kids toothpaste?..?

my daughter hates mint toothpaste and i always use to buy her strawberry flavour or bubble gum flavour toothpaste but lately i cant find any toothpaste but mint and she hates it, says it hurts her tougue so does anyone no where i can find different flavoured toothpaste, im in the uk thanx

Kids toothpaste?..?
I%26#039;m the same, I use gel which tastes of strawberry instead, I get mine in tesco.
Reply:you can shop for it online or just tell her that when it hurts her tongue she is a good brusher (how old is she?) if she is older tell her she needs to try it

buy a kind with less sting like a spearmint or maybe you need to special order it or look around for some other store that has it
Reply:Wilkinson%26#039;s are good, tescos, sainsburys most super markets.
Reply:Colgate Super Star Kids Toothpaste:is a good one %26amp; the children like it

Reply:asda own is berry flavour, had the same prob with my son till quite recently.

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