Saturday, November 14, 2009

Toothpaste and problem pimple?

i have this problem pimple and i want to get rid of it without buying anything. but i don%26#039;t have acne.

i have crest gel toothpaste and Tom%26#039;s toothpaste. Tom%26#039;s toothpaste is an organic pure white toothpaste. would that work on a problem pimple? (its cinnamint flavor if that helps)

Toothpaste and problem pimple?
toothpaste didn%26#039;t work for me.

it just made it worse.

I don%26#039;t know anything you could use from home.

I just wanted to let you know that toothpaste doesn%26#039;t always work. sorry I didn%26#039;t help much =/
Reply:get the original crest and that should take care of it.
Reply:A couple of years ago, i got a pimple and i was desperate to get rid of it as i wanted to go out that night and i knew i would be seeing a lot of girls that i wanted to impress. I put tooth paste on it, and it hurt ! It was a really bad stinging pain. I do not know why, perhaps it was the toothpaste ( Colgate )

Nevertheless, it did not work. These days, when i get pimples, which luckily is not as often, i use some of my little sisters Tea Tree thing. I would never tell her though. I am a 20 year old bloke. It is alright for you girls. You have make up and god knows how many other products.
Reply:I%26#039;ve never tried it, but I%26#039;d use the Tom%26#039;s. Crest didnt%26#039; work for me. Be careful with toothepaste though. Not only does it not always work, but sometimes it can turn your zit a funny blue-is/black-ish color. Or, it can just make it worse.

Good luck anyways!
Reply:I think u should just buy some benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid (the two main ingredients used in pimple creams) or if you don%26#039;t want to buy anything use aspirin to heal a pimple,

And don%26#039;t actually take the aspirin whatever you do.

Considering everyone else%26#039;s experiences with toothpaste i wouldn%26#039;t use it
Reply:You know, I know a lady and her daughter who both use to break out in the same area around their mouth. It turned out it was an allergy to toothpaste. Tom%26#039;s toothpaste is the only brand they can use.
Reply:it worked for me. I would use the organic toothpaste.

Those you should try watching your face during the time you take a shower or bath with oxy or one of those facil cleaners.

Oxy removed my pimples in about 3 days and the effect started after the first day
Reply:Just keep your face clean and the right toothpaste

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