Friday, November 13, 2009


how does tooothpaste work on removing pimples?

From article

%26quot;Q: Finally, does rubbing toothpaste on pimples help get rid of them?

A: Toothpaste often contains menthol, which can help dry out a pimple. But other common toothpaste ingredients can irritate the skin. And there are much better over-the-counter options than toothpaste, such as Clinique Acne Solutions. If, however, you are on a reality-TV survival show and all you have is a tube of the white stuff, a dab on your dot will work.%26quot;

From another site:

Don%26#039;t put toothpaste on blackheads though, because it will burn a hole in the middle, leaveing a scar. So pick your piples carfully.
Reply:Toothpaste often contains menthol, which has a drying-out effect on the pimple. The down-side is that toothpaste can also be damaging to the skin, and leave you with redness and irritation. There are plenty of better alternatives.

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