Friday, November 13, 2009


gel or paste?

which ones better?

I prefer paste but I don%26#039;t believe it makes a difference. Beware of any toothpaste that is :

1) abrasive: it will cause you to wear through your enamel and the next layer, dentin, will shine through. Dentin is using an abrasive toothpaste actually yellows your teeth...not whitens them.

2) tartar control: they will eventually make your teeth very sensitive to cold.

3) whitening toothpastes: they will eventually make your teeth very sensitive to cold.

I like Listerine%26#039;s brand of toothpaste. It does a good job of cleaning, leaves your mouth fresh, and does not make your teeth yellow or sensitive. ALWAYS, use a toothpaste that has fluoride in it. AND, make sure you floss your teeth every day. DON%26#039;T floss all your teeth.....just the ones you want to keep!!!
Reply:Not sure but watch out for that whitening paste because it never fails to cause chin acne!! It is true because when I stopped using it and switched to regular plain paste, the acne stopped
Reply:They are all about the same as far as effectiveness. That%26#039;s what the dentist told me. Just get the one you like.
Reply:It mattereth not. Almost any toothpaste will do the job as long as you use it regularly. Flossing is the important thing, though. If you have to choose between flossing and brushing, you should floss.
Reply:gelly paste
Reply:i like paste better just because it makes my teeth %26quot;feel%26quot; cleaner somehow. but like someone mentioned already flossing is a million times more important than brushing. if youre in a rush to leave the house, i would stop to floss before brushing. just keep a travel-size mouth wash in your car!
Reply:Doesn%26#039;t matter actually. If the product is great it is great, both work. Just there is so many different products, some damage can damage tooths because they have particles inside that are too rash. They do make your teeth look white but they damage them actually... Those are found in gels and pastes...

This one is one of best you can find : %26lt;--- Maxodent

Good Luck!
Reply:I like gel better
Reply:i like gel....i asked the dentist she said it dont mater what kind of tooth paste you use you could dry brush, or just use water....its the amout of time you spend brushing....she said you have to brush for five min......the tooth paste/gel is for your
Reply:Ganozhi Toothpaste!

ref ID - 144021195

Healthy %26amp; white teeth and odourless mouth.

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